There are two distinct professions calling themselves osteopathy. In USA and Canada “osteopathy” refers to American style osteopathic medicine that provides osteopathic manipulative medicine as well as medications and surgery. This type of “osteopathy” is taught only in USA. Outside USA, the term “osteopathy” refers to a profession that provides only hands-on manual therapy, without performing surgery or prescribing medications. Outside North America this profession is called osteopathy. In USA to differentiate between this profession and American style osteopathy (osteopathic medicine), the term “osteopathic manual practice” is used. In Canada additional terms such as “European style osteopathy” and “manual osteopathy” are also used.
In USA, those who practice osteopathy are called osteopaths or osteopathic physicians and those who practice osteopathic manual practice (OMP) are called osteopathic manual practitioners. In Canada the term manual osteopath is also used to describe those who practice OMP. The only exception is the province of Quebec in Canada where those practice OMP are permitted to use the title osteopath. Outside North America, in all other countries of the world, both American style osteopaths (osteopathic physicians) and European style osteopathic manual practitioners are called osteopaths.
Osteopathic manual practice (founded in 1874 by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in USA) is an established internationally recognized manual therapy system of assessment and treatment, which lays its main emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the neuromusculoskeletal system.
Osteopathic manual practice uses a variety of hands-on physical treatments. These include soft tissue therapy, osteoarticular techniques, positional facilitated release technique, techniques of Still, osteopathy in the cranial field, visceral techniques, oscillatory techniques, muscle energy treatment and functional (strain and counter strain) techniques. These techniques are normally employed together with therapeutic exercise, dietary, and occupational advice in an attempt to help patients recover from pain, disease and injury.
European style Osteopathic manual practitioners do not prescribe medications or perform surgery, while American style osteopaths (also known as osteopathic physicians)perform surgery and prescribe medications as well as using osteopathic techniques in managing a patient’s condition.
National University of Medical Sciences (USA) offers two degree programs in osteopathic manual practice.
The minimum requirement for our bachelor’s degree program is having a high school (grade 12) or equivalent diploma. For master’s degrees the minimum requirement is having a bachelor’s degree in any field.
The program length depends on student background. There are 3 categories of students entering National University of Medical Sciences (USA). Category 1 are regular students with no prior health education. Category 2 are students with previous health education but not at a doctoral level, such as massage therapists, acupuncturists, diploma level osteopathic manual practitioners & kinesiologists. Category 3 are students who possess a doctoral degree or equivalent education such as osteopaths, degree level osteopathic manual practitioners, physiotherapists & physical therapists, chiropractors, physicians and surgeons, and naturopaths.
Depending on which category they are, students receive advanced credits that allow them to graduate in a shorter time while paying less tuition.
For example, the BSc program in osteopathic manual practice is 3 years full time for category 1 students, it is 1 year full time for category 2 students. Category 3 students can complete the program in 6 months. However the master level degree programs such as MBA, MSc(P) & MSc (AT) programs are all 1 year for all students no matter what category they are in.
All students who have previous health education receive discounts of up to 83% toward the cost of their tuition for some programs offered by NUMSS (USA). The exact amount of discount depends on student’s educational background. Please see the tuition page to know the exact amount of tuition for different categories of students. There is no discount available to health professionals for the MBA, MSc (P) or MSc (AT) programs.
Yes. All students, regardless of previous health experience receive discounts when enrolled in one of NUMSS (USA) dual degree programs. The exact amount of discount depends on the chosen programs. Please see the tuition page for the exact amount of available discount.
No, we do not offer a discount to those applicants on social assistance or those who are disabled. However some governments (for example the Ontario government in Canada) offer limited amount of financial assistance to qualified applicants to study.
All degree programs start twice per year; September 03rd and February 03rd of each year.
Financing any professional program requires considerable planning and budgeting. All major financial institutions and banks have loan programs and/or lines of credit available to NUMSS (USA) students with good credit history. Please contact your bank for details such as eligibility requirements, interest rates and applications. Government loans are not available to students for any of the degree programs offered by NUMSS (USA). National University of Medical Sciences (USA) does not offer any loans to students.
National University of Medical Sciences (USA) offers 8 single degrees which are BSc, MSc, MBA, tDPT, DBM, and PhD. Students may also enrol in the programs concurrently to receive two or three degrees together upon graduation.
Upon graduation; osteopathic manual practitioners have the option of opening their own clinics; or to rent rooms in established medical, assessment, health or rehab clinics in order to benefit from cross referrals; or to work as employees in other osteopathic, medical, chiropractic, osteopathy, physiotherapy, massage or rehab clinics.
Most osteopathic manual practitioners work in private clinics, often as sole proprietor, associate or employee. However, the increase in multidisciplinary health care facilities and physical rehabilitation clinics has opened new opportunities for these osteopathic manual practitioners to collaborate with other health care professionals (such as family physicians, massage therapists, naturopaths, athletic therapists, kinesiologists, podiatrists, chiropodists, occupational therapists, ergonomists, & acupuncturists) and benefit patients with interprofessional care.
A small numbers of osteopathic manual practitioners also work in hospitals (outside USA), nursing homes, health spas, sports teams, insurance companies claims services department, fitness clubs, cruise ship spas, colleges, universities, private schools, motor vehicle accident (MVA) assessment centres and other institutions.
Most new graduates start their professional work as employees. Later they establish their own private clinics.
This data is not available in USA. Most of the date in regards to salary comes from Canada. The average salary for a new osteopathic manual practitioner in Canada who works as an employee in a medical, assessment, health or rehab clinic is approximately $30 per hour.
Osteopathic manual practitioners in private practise generally charge between $60 to $140 per hour of treatment in Canada and Europe. Manual Osteopathic treatments provided by NUMSS (USA) graduates are covered by most extended health plan insurers in Canada. However in most countries patients pay out of pocket for manual osteopathic care as private or government insurance is not available.
There are approximately 43,000 osteopathic manual practitioners across the world. 17,460 of them are in France in France, 4,500 in United Kingdome (UK), 2,000 in Canada, 1,000 manual osteopaths in Brazil and a few thousands more spread around the world in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Panama, Colombia, China, Iran, India, South Korea, Japan, Greece, South Africa, Singapore, Vietnam, Venezuela, Latvia, St Martin, Barbados, Jamaica, Bermuda, Costa Rica, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, Argentina, Pakistan, Israel, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy, and Netherlands amongst others . Nearly half of them are women. 87,000 doctors of osteopathic medicine (also known as osteopaths or osteopathic physicians) practice in the USA. In Canada there are less than 50 osteopathic physicians. Across the world (outside North America) there is less than 500 osteopathic physicians.
USA has the largest number of osteopathic medical colleges & universities. Osteopathic medicine is only taught in the USA. Osteopathy colleges and universities around the world teach the European style of osteopathy, known as manual osteopathy or osteopathic manual practice.
There are manual osteopathy colleges in Canada, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Norway, Denmark, Portugal, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Russia, England, Poland, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, and France.
In the United States, NUMSS (USA) is the only school offering osteopathic manual practice education as a degree program.
Yes. Any expenses incurred to obtain a degree at NUMSS (USA) is a tax-deductible expense in most countries such as United Kingdom, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand and most Western European countries if it is used for the purpose of producing income. Students receive a receipt for tuition paid. The cost of books and supplies are also tax deductible in most countries. However you should consult with the tax authorities of your jurisdiction to check on eligibility as each country has its own rules and regulations.
Chiropractors and osteopathic Manual Practitioners are all health professionals who treat patients with a focus on the neuromusculoskeletal system, including the spine, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Historically there is a political answer relating to the founder of osteopathy, Dr Andrew Taylor Still, falling out with his student, Dr. D.D. Palmer, who then went on to be the founder of chiropractic.
The principle working difference is that osteopathic manual practitioners tend to use more rhythmical and gentler techniques while chiropractors use more often stronger, high velocity, low amplitude manipulative techniques.
Essentially, both offer valuable and useful services, and each can be included in a holistic healthcare regimen. There are now many multidisciplinary clinics offering osteopathic manual practice, chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture and massage therapy services. This seems to be the new growing trend in Italy, the United Kingdom & the rest of Europe as well as Canada, Australia, & New Zealand, especially for patients injured in motor vehicle accidents.
Chiropractors & osteopathic manual practitioners both can choose to become specialists in orthopaedics, neurology, clinical nutrition, paediatrics, sports medicine, and clinical sciences. Both chiropractors and osteopathic manual practitioners are primary care givers who can see patients directly without the need for a referral from a medical doctor. And both are permitted to use physiotherapy modalities such as ultrasound, laser and electrotherapy in most jurisdictions.
Yes. NUMSS (USA) is accredited by Council on Manual Osteopathy Education (CMOE) of International Osteopathic Association (IOA).
Yes. NUMSS (USA) graduates are eligible to apply and register for the board exams administered by the International Osteopathy Examining Board ( Students who wish to practice osteopathy in Canada are eligible to apply and register with the Canadian Manual Osteopathy Examining Board ( Students who wish to practice in the province of Ontario (Canada) are eligible to register for the oral, written and practical board exams of the College of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners of Ontario (
Passing one of the two board exams mentioned above is required for NUMSS (USA) graduates to be eligible for membership to the International Osteopathic Association (IOA).
Yes. NUMSS (USA) is accepted by International Osteopathic Association ( NUMSS (USA) graduates are permitted to apply for IOA membership and to receive certificates of registrations.
The weeklong (5 days per week, 10am to 4pm) optional practical technique labs are held in Madrid (Spain) and Panama City. Attendance is not mandatory for the online students meaning you can graduate without attending the classes. In these classes students fine tune their techniques under the supervision of a clinician. There is a registration fee of $965.00 (US dollar) for each weeklong practical technique labs. The practical technique labs are available after end of each semester (twice per year). Dates may vary per location.
Yes. There is no difference between online and campus based education. In some ways the online education is even superior to the campus based because students have the ability to pause the lectures and watch the techniques over and over again. Many successful osteopathic manual practitioners are practicing around the world who studied osteopathic manual practice through an online on-demand program. The professions of manual osteopathy, chiropractic, pedorthics, athletic therapy, massage therapy, physiotherapy and even medicine and dentistry have offered at one time or another correspondence courses. With the technology NUMSS (USA) uses students feel they are sitting in a classroom watching the lectures. They have also the ability to email NUMSS (USA) at any time and ask any academic questions they may have. Some universities in United Kingdom have started offering medical specialty courses such as orthopedic surgery to Medical Doctors through online programs, and some universities in the USA offer masters program in nursing through online lectures. As technology advances delivering high quality videos become easier and permits students worldwide to watch the lectures easily and comfortably. And more universities are embracing the online teaching as it eliminates the need for campus attendance and enables education to be spread internationally.
With the advancement in communication technology online education is improving rapidly. Time has shown that many of health related programs can indeed be taught online. Here are some examples:
In certain countries (such as Canada) manual osteopathic treatments are covered by most extended health plan insurance providers. In USA, there is only one insurer that covers manual osteopathic care.
In certain countries (such as Canada & most European countries) manual osteopathic treatments provided to patients who suffered injuries in a motor vehicle accident are covered by all auto insurers. For example in the province of Ontario in Canada all insurers as per Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) must cover manual osteopathic treatments at a rate of $57.67 (Canadian dollars) per hour for non-catastrophic injuries and at a rate of $88.28 for catastrophic injuries.
National University of Medical Sciences (USA) teaches techniques for all joints including lumbar, thoracic, cervical, temporomandibular joint, shoulder, scapula, elbow, wrist, hand, sacrum, hip, knee, ankle and foot. Some of the techniques we teach include osteoarticular techniques, static joint play, mobility testing, cranial osteopathy, visceral techniques, strain / counterstrain techniques, lymphatic drainage, muscle energy techniques, soft tissue therapy, myofascial release technique, trigger point therapy, therapeutic exercise, positional facilitated release, balanced ligamentous tension, techniques of Still, etc.
There are a few known mechanism affecting individuals who receive manual osteopathic treatment for low back pain.
First mechanism: Osteopathic manual therapy (OMT) increases joint mobility by producing a barrage of impulses in muscle spindle afferents and smaller-diameter afferents ultimately silencing facilitated ? (gamma) motoneurons as proposed by Korr. This theory is supported by several recent studies by the Pickar lab and by findings that low back pain patients have altered proprioceptive input from muscle spindles. Recent work has also shown that that osteopathic manual therapy modifies the discharge of Group I and II afferents. This has been accomplished by recording single-unit activity in muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ afferents in an animal model during manipulation.
A second mechanism is that osteopathic manual therapy, by mechanically opening the intravertebral foramina (IVF), decreases pressure on the dorsal roots. Substantial evidence shows that the dorsal nerve roots and dorsal root ganglia are susceptible to the effects of mechanical compression. Compressive loads as low as 10 mg applied to dorsal roots increase the discharge of Group I, II, III and IV afferents. This compression can also alter non-impulse-based mechanisms (eg, axoplasmic transport) and cause edema and hemorrhage in the dorsal root. Manual osteopathic therapy mechanically decreases the pressure in the IVF by gapping the facet joints and opening the IVF. For instance, the synovial space of the lumbar facet joints increases by about 0.7 mm in individuals receiving manipulation. This doesn’t seem like much, but as with any therapy there is usually a course of care involved. Even in moderate stenosis patients treated by osteopathic manual practitioners typically see significant pain reduction following a period of 1-2 weeks of treatment.
A third mechanism is based on findings that persistent alterations in normal sensory input resulting from an injury can increases the excitability of neuronal circuits in the spinal cord. Osteopathic manual therapy works by applying non-noxious mechanical inputs to these circuits. This involves mechanisms similar to the pain-gate theory proposed by Melzack and Wall wherein activation of fibers can reduce chronic pain and increase pain threshold levels. This is supported by studies where osteopathic manual therapy of the lumbar region decreases central pain processing as measured via pin-prick tests. Additional studies have shown a reduction in central pain sensitivity after OMT using graded pressure and noxious cutaneous electrical stimulation.
A fourth mechanism involves beta-endorphin mechanisms. Studies have shown increases in beta-endorphin levels after osteopathic manual therapy but not after control interventions.
Fifth mechanism: Substantial evidence also shows that osteopathic manual therapy activates paraspinal muscle reflexes and alters motoneuron excitability. These effects are still being studied and appear to differ depending on whether performed on patients in pain or pain-free subjects.
A sixth mechanism involves inhibition of somatosomatic reflexes by alterations in muscle spindle input produced by osteopathic manual therapy. It is thought that OMT may normalize spindle biomechanics and improve muscle spindle discharge.
Lastly, in humans, osteopathic manual therapy can decrease heart rate and blood pressure while increasing vagal afferent activity as measured by heart-rate variability. OMT in rats have been shown to produce an inhibitory effect on the cardiovascular excitatory response and reduce both blood pressure and heart rate. Manual osteopathic soft tissue therapy has been shown to impact behavioral manifestations associated with chronic activation of the HPA axis such as anxiety and depression, while decreasing plasma, urinary, and salivary cortisol and urinary corticotropin releasing factor-like immunoreactivity (CRF-LI). Manual stimulation in rats has been shown to significantly increase glucocorticoid receptor gene expression which enhanced negative feedback inhibition of HPA activity and reduced post-stress secretion of ACTH and glucocorticoid.
Athletic Therapy is the prevention, immediate care, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries by an Athletic Therapist. It involves the assessment of physical function, the treatment of dysfunction caused by pain and/or injury in order to develop, maintain and maximize independence and prevent dysfunction. User groups of this service are varied and can include but are not limited to people with a musculoskeletal injury that may be active individuals, injured workers, motor vehicle accident injuries, recreational athletes, professional athletes and competitive amateur athletes.
Athletic therapists may work as personal fitness trainers or strength coach, however their scope of practice covers a lot more. Athletic Trainers are healthcare providers who provide care for both athletes and non-athletes alike. Personal trainers, on the other hand, are fitness professionals and not healthcare professionals. The training required to become a personal trainer is at the diploma level while athletic therapist education is at the university level.
The only similarity between Athletic Therapists and personal trainers is that both work with athletes, but they are two very different professions.
Athletic Therapists are currently employed in many sport medicine settings including:
Universities and Colleges
Athletic Therapists work with varsity athletes providing expertise on injury prevention, emergency and acute care, assessment and rehabilitation of injuries as well as developing conditioning programs. Many Athletic Therapists also teach related subject matters at various academic institutions.
Professional Sports
Athletic Therapists are currently employed by professional teams in the NHL, CFL, NBA, MLB, NWHL, NLL as well as professional dance companies. These therapists are responsible for injury prevention, emergency and acute injury care, assessment and complete rehabilitation of injuries and development of conditioning programs.
National Athletes
Athletic Therapists are an integral part of the ongoing care of national athletes. Athletic Therapists either work directly with the team or are selected to the medical teams for games such as; Olympics; Pan Am; Commonwealth; World Cup, etc.
Private Sports Medicine Clinics
A growing number of Athletic Therapists own or work in fee-for-service clinics, treating a variety of injuries and conditions. Treatment will include injury assessment and rehabilitation as well as conditioning programs for all active individuals.
This data does not exist in USA. The date given here is from Canadian sources. The average income depends on the jurisdiction and types of practice. It generally ranges from $41,000 to $78,000 in Canada. Depending on jurisdictions athletic therapists charge $75 to $140 per hour of treatment.
Yes. A growing number of athletic therapists open their own private athletic therapy clinics. Some have also started opening multidisciplinary clinics offering a number of health related services such as osteopathic manual practice, massage therapy, athletic therapy, chiropractic & naturopathy. A small number of athletic therapists also own and operate clinics involved solely in rehabilitation of workers and motor vehicle accident patients.
Athletic Therapists are highly skilled health care professionals, with similar scope of practice as physiotherapists that provide immediate treatment to musculoskeletal injuries. ATs employ a sports medicine model of rehabilitation to physical injuries incurred from sports, recreation, accidents, daily activities or occupation. Early exercise prescription is often given to aggressively heal soft tissue injuries and to maintain/increase mobility. ATs however are not permitted to render a medical diagnosis in USA & Canada, nor able to offer High Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA) techniques.
Athletic Therapy treatments are always one on one and usually 30-60 minutes in length. Treatments consist of manual therapy, including soft tissue therapy & joint mobilization, core strengthening & therapeutic exercise prescription, supportive taping & bracing, postural correction, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, neuromuscular retraining, nutritional advice & supplement recommendation, and the use of traditional physiological therapeutic modalities (ultrasound, IFC, TENS, laser, NMES). Almost every modality available to physical therapists (physiotherapists) is also used by athletic therapists.
In USA, no, there is no insurer covering athletic therapy services. In Canada a number of extended health plans cover Athletic Therapy treatments with a doctor’s referral.
Athletic Therapists specialize in orthopaedic assessment and rehabilitation of all physical injuries as well as sport specific exercise rehabilitation. Athletic Therapy is based on the sports medicine model of rehabilitation and unlike physiotherapy does not involve the study of neurological, respiratory, or cardiovascular rehabilitation.
Ligament sprains, muscle strains, tendonitis, overuse injuries, bruises, joint pain, low back pain, myofascial trigger points, restricted range of motion, tissue impingement, plantar fasciitis, etc.
Yes. NUMSS (USA) graduates of the Athletic Therapy program are permitted to work as Athletic Therapists (AT) in all countries including the USA, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, China, India, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan, Egypt, UAE, Iran, Colombia, Venezuela, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Greece, Saudi Arabia & Vietnam.
Yes. The Master of Science in Athletic Therapy program offered by National University of Medical Sciences (USA) is an approved program (by IBCAT) and accredited by the International Board of Certified Athletic Therapists.
Yes. NUMSS (USA) graduates of the Athletic Therapy degree program are eligible to sit for the board exams administered by the International Board of Certified Athletic Therapists (IBCAT). Once the board exams are passed graduates become certified by IBCAT.
NUMSS (USA) is a private American university that is accepted by a number of organizations. Our students are permitted to become members of many organizations in their fields. Some of the organizations that accept our alumni as members include:
Yes. Most regulatory boards for chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, occupational therapists, kinesiologists, athletic therapists & trainers, homeopaths, & medical doctors accept the time you spent studying in our programs towards your CE requirement. Most regulatory boards require 20 to 40 hours of CE in a year or two, and our programs cover this requirement as all our programs are over 40 hours.
Yes but it depends on the type of patient’s coverage, EHP or MVA.
In most cases you cannot bill extended health plan (EHP) insurers in Canada for osteopathic manual practice and another type of treatment (chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy, naturopathy, athletic therapy, acupuncture, etc) on the same day. Most Canadian EHP insurers accept only one type of treatment from one health practitioner. Your clinic can bill for manual osteopathic care and massage therapy for example on the same day if the treatments are performed by two health practitioners. But if the health practitioner is a massage therapist/osteopathic manual practitioner then in one day massage therapy must be billed and another day manual osteopathic care.
This does not apply to motor vehicle accident (MVA) patients. For MVA patients Canadian health practitioners can charge the insurers for more than one type of therapy. For example on the same visit an auto insurer can be billed for manual osteopathic treatment, physiotherapy, massage therapy and rehabilitation.
Yes, you can practice and open a clinic in all Canadian provinces, all US states, and everywhere else in Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand. However the osteopathy profession is regulated in these countries and our graduates must work as osteopathic manual practitioners. They may not use the term osteopaths in these countries. For example in the USA & Canada, the term osteopath is reserved for osteopathic physicians who do surgery and prescribe medications.
In all other countries, including Italy, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, South Korea, Brazil, Iran, China, Taiwan, Japan, Jordan, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Singapore, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Greece, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungry, Nigeria, Tanzania, Cameroon, Vietnam, Turkey, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, & Argentina, our graduates can use the term osteopath and practice as osteopaths.
There are many. Our president, Dr Shahin Pourgol has set up a Facebook page called Osteopathy Related Research & Sciences at which compiles links to many useful manual osteopathic related research papers.
Yes, we offer a number of manual osteopathic related seminars at very low fees. Please contact the admissions office for more info.
We have two professors who cover these lectures; professor Jorge Aranda and Dr Oleg Bagrin.
Of all the alternative health care practitioners in Canada, patients have the highest confidence in osteopathic manual practitioners (data from 2006).
Canadians on average spend about $220 per year on manual osteopathic care (data from 2006).
Statistic Canada reported that 10% of Canadians have annual income of over $80,000. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners in Canada, with an average income of $90,000 per year are part of the wealthiest 10% of Canadians (data from 2013).
Dr Pourgol has prepared an article on major similarities and differences of these four health professions that offer manual therapy. To read the article please click on the link below which takes you directly to Dr Pourgol’s personal blog site.
There are many such groups. However the largest ones is “We Love Osteopathy” which is founded by our president Dr Shahin Pourgol. It is open to everyone. Feel free to join the group. The group address is:
Yes, Dr Pourgol has set up the “Osteopathy Business Tips” Facebook page that offers valuable business tips to osteopathic manual practitioners. It is open to everyone. You can visit it by clicking on the link below:
Yes. Since 2003; over 20 universities in the USA have been offering the transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) through 100% online education. The DPT program is available only to physiotherapists as a post professional degree. However the older generation of physiotherapists did not study x-ray & diagnostic imaging, medical diagnosis or manual therapy. The DPT program therefore teaches these subjects. So it is possible to learn diagnosis, radiology and manual therapy through online programs.
There are over 14,700 students of osteopathic manual practice enrolled in degree or diploma programs around the world. There are 21,741 students of American style osteopathy (also known as osteopathic medicine) enrolled in the DO (Doctor of Osteopathy) programs in American osteopathic universities and schools. USA is the only country offering education in both osteopathic medicine as well as osteopathic manual practice. All other countries where students enrolled offer European style manual osteopathic education (no surgery, no medication).
A 2013 survey indicates that osteopathic manual practitioners receive the most number of patients through word of mouth referrals of their own patients. The second most common source of patient referral is from family physicians. Here are the most common sources of patient referrals to osteopathic manual practitioners. The amount is in percentage.
Friend of patient 29.7%
Medical Doctor (M.D.) 23.6%
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) 3.9%
Chiropractor 1.8%
Chinese medicine 2.3%
Physiotherapist 15%
Counselor/psychologist 3.5%
Podiatrist 4.1%
Dietician 1%
Personal trainer 3.5%
Massage therapist 6.6%
A 2013 survey of European style osteopathic manual practitioners found that the majority of osteopathic manual practitioners prefer to own their own private manual osteopathic Care clinic. Of interest is that over 3% of osteopathic manual practitioners work in hospital (outside USA) and 6.5% of them have positions in universities.
Private clinic 43%
With 1 partner 14.1%
More than 2 partners 18.2%
Hospital 3%
Outpatient clinic 2.9%
Medical institution 3.9%
University 6.5%
Thirty to forty five minutes is the most common treatment length for manual osteopathic treatments. A 2013 survey indicates 40.5% of patients osteopathic manual practitioners see in Canada, USA & Europe receive this length of treatment. The 2nd most common is 45 to 60 minutes, which 31.8% of patients receive.
The 2nd most common referral sources of osteopathic manual practitioners in Canada, USA & Europe are medical doctors. A 2013 survey found that 18.5% of patients osteopathic manual practitioners see are referred by physicians.
A 2013 survey found that over 10.6% of the patients treated by osteopathic manual practitioners in the USA, Canada and Europe are referred to them by physiotherapists. Physical therapists make up the third most common referral sources of osteopathic manual practitioners.
Here are approximate numbers of osteopathic manual practitioners providing manual osteopathic care in a selected number of countries.
Argentina | 125 | Australia | 1,725 | Austria | 600 | Azerbaijan | 2 | Bahamas | 1 |
Bahrain | 3 | Belgium | 1,539 | Belize | 1 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 2 | Brazil | 1,000 |
Brunei | 1 | Bulgaria | 5 | Cameroon | 2 | Canada | 2,000 | Cayman Islands | 1 |
Chile | 45 | China (including Hong Kong & Macau) | 150 | Costa Rica | 15 | Croatia | 2 | Czech Republic | 5 |
Colombia | 15 | Croatia | 16 | Cyprus | 11 | Denmark | 50 | Dominican Republic | 2 |
Egypt | 35 | El Salvador | 2 | Estonia | 5 | Finland | 300 | France | 17,460 |
Germany | 7,000 | Greece | 40 | Hungary | 5 | Iceland | 2 | India | 360 |
Indonesia | 10 | Iran | 120 | Ireland | 120 | Israel | 50 | Italy | 6,000 |
Jamaica | 1 | Japan | 275 | Jordan | 20 | Latvia | 20 | Lebanon | 10 |
Lithuania | 10 | Luxembourg | 40 | Malaysia | 25 | Malta | 1 | Martinique | 5 |
Mexico | 175 | Morocco | 35 | Namibia | 1 | Netherlands | 639 | New Zealand | 400 |
Nigeria | 10 | Norway | 250 | Oman | 1 | Palestine | 5 | Panama | 20 |
Philippines | 30 | Poland | 30 | Portugal | 400 | Qatar | 2 | Romania | 35 |
Russia | 1,300 | Saudi Arabia | 50 | Serbia | 5 | Singapore | 30 | Slovakia | 2 |
Slovenia | 2 | Spain | 800 | South Africa | 49 | South Korea | 200 | St Lucia | 1 |
St Martin | 10 | Sweden | 200 | Switzerland | 850 | Taiwan | 30 | Tanzania | 4 |
Thailand | 45 | Trinidad & Tobago | 1 | Turkey | 25 | UAE | 30 | UK | 4,500 |
Ukraine | 80 | USA | 2,000 | Venezuela | 10 | Vietnam | 20 |
Yes, you can. Advanced credits may be given for courses completed.
The title “Osteopathic Manual Practitioner” is officially entered into the National Occupational Classification of Canada; under the NOC Code # 3232 (Practitioners of Natural Healing: Osteopathic Manual Practitioners). This is great news for the profession of osteopathic manual practice as it gives a unique identity to the job title of our graduates, and it is a great step towards regulating the profession of osteopathic manual practice in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada.
Previously only the titles “osteopath and Doctor of Osteopathy” were classified in Canada to represent anyone who practices any forms of osteopathy. Now there are officially two distinct forms of osteopathy in Canada, one the osteopathic medicine, which its practitioners call themselves osteopaths in Canada and the other osteopathic manual practice which its practitioners are called osteopathic manual practitioners.
On Nov 11, 2014, Canada Post published World Osteopathy Day stamps, designed by Dr Shahin Pourgol, president of the National University of Medical Sciences (USA). Osteopathy, since it was founded over 137 years ago by Dr Still in the USA, had never had a day of its own until 2012 when Dr Pourgol founded June 22nd as the World Osteopathy Day.
The NOC (National Occupation Code) for “Osteopathic Manual Practitioners” in Canada is 3232 and it falls under “Practitioners of Natural Health”.
Yes, National University of Medical Sciences (USA) graduates can join the British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences (BASES) as a member. For membership information please visit
Yes. Free membership in the “Association of MBAs in Canada” is available to all National University of Medical Sciences (USA) graduates of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program who reside in Canada.
Yes. Our postgraduate post professional transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy (tDPT) students can join the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) as International Members for an annual membership fee of $50 (US dollars).
Canadian Government Accepts NUMSS (USA) as a foreign university for tax credit purposes to our Canadian students. Our Canadian students receive Tuition, Education, and Textbook tax credits from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). To receive this tax credit our students must submit to CRA the TL11A form (Tuition, Education, and Textbook Amounts Certificate – University Outside Canada) along with their annual tax return. Students should contact the National University of Medical Sciences (USA) admissions office and ask a copy of signed and completed TL11A be emailed to them.
This tax credit would potentially save thousands of dollars for NUMSS Canadian students (depending on how much tax they are paying).
National University of Medical Sciences (USA) graduates, who are 18 to 34 years Canadian citizens or permanent residents are eligible to apply for business development loans of up to $15,000 (at prime posted by CIBC plus 3% interest rate) under the Futurpreneur Canada program of the Canadian government.
You must have already been graduated and have already opened your own private clinic. Your clinic must be less than one year old and you have to agree to work with a mentor for up to 2 years and prepare a business plan.
NUMSS (USA) graduates in Alberta, Canada can join the National Manual Osteopathic Society (NMOS) which currently allows them to directly bill Green Shield Insurance company. They can also join the Society of Osteopaths of Canada (SOC) and a number of other associations.
Our tDPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) students can join Sociedad Española de Fisioterapia en Pediatría (SEFIP) as a member.
The annual membership fee is €35 (Euro). As members of the association, students receive regular and relevant scientific articles & the opportunity to take courses at a discount.
To register applicants must complete a registration form and send it (via email ). All the information can be found in .
If you need more information please contact Monica Yuste, SEFIP secretary at
Ontario National University of Medical Sciences (USA) graduates who are between 18 and 29 years old are eligible to apply for up to $60,000 in non-payable grant, and those who are 30 years old and over are eligible to apply for up to $30,000 under the Smart Start Seed Fund from the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE).
The money must go to start up costs of your private clinic and is non-payable (this is a grant, not a loan).
Each grant comes with its own criteria and rules, but they all require that a start-up private clinic be endorsed and that the cash investment be matched by a third, non-government source (such as the osteopathic manual practitioner).
Your clinic must be located in Ontario, and be incorporated. You must be the director or majority shareholder of your private clinic. The clinic must be less than 3 years old and you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.
Yes. Our Canadian graduates are eligible to apply for up to 50,000 in loan money from Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) if they are residents of the province their private clinic is located.
The graduates must be the clinic owner, and be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. The private clinic must have been in operation for two years or longer. Clinics less than two years old are not eligible to apply. The loan must be repaid within 4 years and the current interest rate is 5.7%. The application process is completely online, eliminating any need for personal visits and meetings.
A recent research on hands on skill learning indicates that in the long term online students learn better techniques than those enrolled in a campus based program.
The research done recently in USA compared two sets of students learning a manual skill, one set in a class and another from an online video. The results indicated that in the same day, after watching the skill being taught online vs live in the classroom, those classroom students learned the skill better. However after one week, the online students performed the skill clearly better than the campus students.
The conclusion the researchers made is that the campus based students learn from an instructor and then rely on memory to perform the skill task every day. While the online students get to watch the instructor everyday and this makes their skill set closer to what the instructor teaches.
Manual osteopathic spinal osteoarticular techniques are proven through scientific research to cause neurophysiological effects resulting in hypoalgesia (local and/or distal), sympathoexcitation, reduction in spinal stiffness, heterogeneous in location and timing, and improved muscle function.
These techniques also produce increased nociceptive flexion reflex threshold, improved posture, decreased concentration of substance P, and improved sway index.
The evidence for effectiveness of manual osteopathic osteoarticular techniques suggests involvement of an endogenous pain inhibition system mediated by the central nervous system.
We teach visceral techniques of osteopathy (also known as visceral manipulation) & cranial osteopathy (also known as osteopathy in the cranial field) both online, as well as on-campus. Dr Oleg Bagren, MD, DOMP & Mr Jorge Aranda, BSc (O), MSc (O) teach visceral techniques and Pamela Crosson Fournier, RMT, DOMP & Dr Daniel Nuzum, DO teach cranial osteopathy.
As botanical medicine is not a regulated health profession, membership in associations is not mandatory to practice as a doctor of botanical medicine or botanical medicine specialist. However those students and graduates of NUMSS (USA) doctor of botanical medicine who wish to join associations may do so. There are a number of associations that accept our DBM students and graduates as members, including the British Herbal Medicine Association (BHMA), The Herb Society (UK) and National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA). To inquire about membership in these associations please contact them directly.
After successfully graduating from the doctor of botanical medicine (DBM) of NUMSS (USA) you can call yourself a doctor of botanical medicine in most countries. However in some countries such as Canada & USA the title of “Dr” is regulated and cannot be used by our graduates. In these countries you can mention that you earned a DBM – Doctor of Botanical Medicine as your designation after your name. But you must call yourself a “botanical medicine specialist”, and refrain from using “Dr” before your name.
Yes. The British Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (BCAOMP) accepts as members the graduates of the bachelor of science in osteopathic manual practice and the Doctor of Philosophy in Osteopathic Clinical Sciences (PhD) programs of National University of Medical Sciences (USA).
Yes, NUMSS (USA) graduates can join the Newfoundland and Labrador Osteopathic Association (NLOA) as full members.
Yes, National University of Medical Sciences (USA) graduates of the osteopathic manual practice programs can join Manitoba Osteopathic Association in Canada for full membership.
Yes, NUMSS (USA) is registered with the Department of States in the United States.
Yes, NUMSS (USA) is registered with the US Department of Revenue.
Dr Bruno Bordoni, DPT, DO is an Italian physiotherapist and osteopath
who is also a member of our board of directors. Dr Bordoni is a world
re-known researcher and has published numerous peer reviewed research
articles. Here is a recent research paper about effectiveness of
osteopathy in cardiology. Dr Bordoni the only osteopath of this
research. We are so proud of him!
Yes, graduates of our naprapathic medicine program can join the Canadian Naprapathic Association (CAN) upon graduation to become a certified naprapath (C.Nap.) after passing the board exams administered by CNA.
Yes, it is. Our doctor of naprapathic medicine (DN) program is accredited by the Canadian Naprapathic Association (CAN). Our graduates can join CAN to become certified naprapaths (C.Nap.).
Graduates of the NUMSS (USA) doctor of naprapathy (DN) program can work in all countries of the world as a naprapath, except Sweden and two states of Illinois and New Mexico where naprapathy is regulated. In these three jurisdictions our graduates can work as manual therapists.
Then you should join the “We Love Osteopathy” group! With 16,750 members this group founded by our president, Dr Shahin Pourgol is the largest osteopathy group in the world.
If you are interested in osteopathy related research, then visit the “Osteopathy Related Research & Science” also set up by Dr Pourgol.
Students who wish to get confirmation from the Department of States (USA) that National University of Medical Sciences in indeedregistered with them can do so free of charge by using the following government website:
Our alumni made us the leader in osteopathic education and we are proud of them. They are some of the most distinguished manual osteopaths in the world. Presidents of many osteopathy organizations have studied osteopathy with us including the following: American Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners,
Canadian Union of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners,
American Osteopathic Manual Practice Examining Board,
Council on Osteopathic Manual Practice Education (USA),
European Osteopathic Association,
Caribbean Osteopathic Association,
Canadian Manual Osteopathy Examining Board,
International Osteopathy Examining Board,
Ontario College of Osteopathic Rehabilitation Sciences,
British Columbia Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners,
College of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners of Ontario,
Nova Scotia Osteopathic Association,
Newfoundland and Labrador Osteopathic Association,
L’Alliance Canadienne de Médecine Alternative,
National Osteopathic Practitioners Association,
Council on Manual Osteopathy Education,
Manitoba Osteopathic Association,
College des osteopathes canadiens,
Iranian Osteopathic Association,
African Osteopathic Association,
Osteopathy Association of Asia and
International Osteopathic Association.
Each association has its own membership criteria. Our alumni who satisfy the membership requirements of each association are eligible to join as members.
If you wish to practice European style manual osteopathy in the states (our profession is known as osteopathic manual practice in the States) you should choose an osteopathy school that is accredited by the US Council on Osteopathic Manual Practice Education.
The alumni of osteopathy schools accredited by COMPE are able to write the board exams administered by the American Osteopathic Manual Practice Examining Board. Those who pass the board exams can then apply to the American Association of Osteopathic Manual Practice for membership.
Upon joining AAOMP as a member you will be awarded with the title of COMP (Certified Osteopathic Manual Practitioner). AAOMP has copyrighted the title of COMP and only its members are permitted to use this title.
Our two schools NUMSS (Spain) and NUMSS (USA) are accredited member of COMPE. Our alumni are permitted to sit for the board exams of AOMPEB and to join AAOMP upon graduation. Most osteopathic manual practitioners in the states are our alumni.
The American Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (AAOMP), based in Nevada (USA) awards COMP (Certified Osteopathic Manual Practitioner) to its members.
The title is issued to AAOMP members who have successfully completed the board exams of the American Osteopathic Manual Practice Examining Board (AOMPB).
This creates a standard title that the public would associate with osteopathic manual practitioners in US.
Yes. our school is accredited by the US Council on Osteopathic Manual Practice Education (UCOMPE). This permits our alumni to apply for the AOMPEB board exams and following successful completion of the board and all other requirements to join the American Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners.
Yes. Our alumni who pass the board exams of American Osteopathic Manual Practice Examining Board (AOMPEB) and who satisfy all the membership requirement of the American Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (AAOMP) can join AAOMP.
Dr Bordoni is one of the most prolific osteopathic researchers in the world who has published numerous osteopathy related research papers and books.
EOA is affiliated with the International Osteopathic Association (IOA) and follows its mandate and policies.
Dr Bordoni is a graduate of the PhD in Osteopathic Clinical Sciences program of the National University of Medical Sciences (USA). He is also a member of the board of governors of our two universities in USA and Spain.
Our PhD program in Osteopathic Clinical Sciences has a course on osteopathic auxiliary therapy which includes physiological therapeutic modalities. Osteopathic manual practitioners are permitted to use physiotherapy modalities such as ultrasound, laser, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, magnetic therapy, etc. in most jurisdictions. However they cannot call what they do physiotherapy or physical therapy and they cannot call themselves physiotherapists or physical therapists (unless they are licensed physiotherapists or physical therapists). In some locations however, such as Quebec in Canada and California in US, osteopathic manual practitioners are not permitted to use some of the physiotherapy modalities such as electrotherapy, laser and ultrasound. Please check the laws of the jurisdiction you plan to practice for exact information.
The two weeks of practical training is optional for students based in the United States of America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.
An easy way to get volunteers to allow you to practice osteopathic techniques is to post a notice on your personal Facebook page as well as Facebook groups of your city, asking for volunteers.
Aside from getting bodies to practice on, a benefit is many of them end up becoming your patients once you graduate and open your own clinic.
1- Dr. Bruno Bordoni, DPT, DO, PhD, Physical Therapist & Osteopath (president: European Osteopathic Association)
2- Dr. Sylvian Desforges, BSc, DC, DO, Chiropractor & Osteopath (president: Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine)
3- Dr. Mariana Rodriguez, MD, DO, Medical doctor & Osteopath
4- Dr. Daniel Nuzum, NMD (USA), DO (Spain), DN, PhD, Naprapath & Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (president: American Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners & Minister of Health: SCNRFP)
5- Dr. Farjoud Shokouhi, MBA, DBA, DPT, DO, physiotherapist & osteopath (president: IrOA)
Honorable, professors Daniel Nuzum, NMD, DN, DO (Spain), PhD, one of our top students who is also one of our professors at National University of Medical Sciences (Spain) and National University of Medical Sciences (USA) has been chosen as the Minister of Health for the Southern Cherokee Nation & the Red Fire Nation in the United States.
This is a historic achievement as it is the first time in history that an osteopathic manual practitioner has been chosen as a minister of health. We are proud of our alumni and wish the best for Honorable Dr Nuzum in his new position as the SCNRFN Minister of Health.
Yes, here is a copy of National University of Medical Sciences audit report prepared by the International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
– Academic Quality & Integrity A-
– Teaching Staff Qualification A
– Delivery of Programs B+
– Student Services A-
– Website Design Performance B+
This reports by a United States based accreditation agency attests the high quality of online education National University of Medical Sciences provides worldwide.
Our graduates who wish to become a board certified osteopathic manual practitioner can join the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners (AANWP). NUMSS graduate, Dr Mercedeh Ghazy is an example of a US Board Certified osteopathic manual practitioner.
Naprapathic medicine is a regulated health profession in New Mexico & Illinois. In these two states our doctor of naprapathy (DN) graduates cannot work unless they successfully complete license examinations. NUMSS (USA) alumni are permitted to work in 48 states without completing a board exam but those who wish to practice in the state of Illinois should complete the naprapathy Clinical Internship Bridge Program created by the National College of Naprapathic Medicine (founded in 1906). Completion of the NCNM clinical internship bridge program permits NUMSS alumni to write the Illinois Naprapathic License Examination to become a licensed doctor of naprapathic medicine, which permits them to use the title of “Dr” and to bill medical insurers.
The National University of Medical Sciences (USA) doctor of Naprapathy (DN) program is accepted by the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners. Aside from 2 states in the US (Illinois & New Mexico) where naprapathy is a regulated health profession, our doctor of naprapathy (DN) graduates can practice as a naprapath in 48 states. To apply for membership please visit:
Yes, in 8 states, including California NAO DOMP graduates can work without any special license. In the other 42 states NAO graduates should join an association, such as the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners that allows members to practice manual osteopathy (known as osteopathic manual practice in the United States) under their wellness practitioner license.
Yes, professional liability coverage is available in most countries for National University of Medical Sciences (USA) graduates. For example our graduates can join the American Alternative Medical Association (AAMA) as a member which would permit them to buy $1M malpractice insurance for $138 per year. There are other associations, organizations and insurers that also provide malpractice insurance coverage to NUMSS graduates.
NUMSS (USA) in-person DPT classes in Pakistan are held at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IRM).
Yes, there are a number of insurers offering malpractice insurance to NUMSS (USA) alumni. National University of Medical Sciences (USA) naprapathy & manual osteopathy graduates are eligible to get licensed in the U.S. under GEHA. NUMSS alumni are pre-qualified to obtain malpractice insurance (also known as errors & omissions or professional liability insurance) offered by the Lockton Affinity Insurance Company, LLC.
For information please contact Dr. Nicole Kimmel, PhD, vice president of the American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners (AANWP), where our president, Dr. Shawn Pourgol, MBA, DC, DO, DN, PhD is a member of its Executive Board. Just a note that NUMSS (USA) is an accredited member of AANWP.
Osteopathic manual practitioners in certain countries have access to insurance direct billing. Registered manual osteopaths members of College of Registered Manual Osteopaths can directly bill extended health plan insurers in Canada as they are accepted by TELUS DIRECT for e-Claims.