Message from NUMSS (USA) Dean of Applied Clinical Sciences

Message from NUMSS (USA) Dean of Applied Clinical Sciences

As both a former student, faculty member and now dean, I can say that our school is among the finest in the world!

Welcome to National University of Medical Sciences (USA). I hope you are all excited to start your academic journey here with us.

I’m tremendously excited to be the new & first dean of the faculty of applied clinical sciences here at NUMSS (USA). I’ve been able to meet with many students in the last few months while teaching visceral techniques of osteopathy, and I’ve learned a lot about the challenges students face and their priorities and goals.

As we start the new semester, I want students to know that I share their commitment to research oriented health education and clinical practice and that I’m looking forward to working with each of you, the future NUMSS (USA) students.

We live in an exciting time. More people live longer than ever before. More patients are living with multiple, chronic, complex conditions. Delivering healthcare to these patients means we need to develop new approaches to clinical care and education.

As teachers we have a responsibility to embrace new ways of educating so our students can lead these exciting changes in healthcare. We need to take advantage of emerging communication technology to deliver outstanding online and on-campus health education. I’m encouraged by the quality and growth of activity in these areas across the Faculty.

Research delivers better health care. Our Faculty here at NUMSS (USA) has a long history of basing their lectures on topics proven through research and of translating this applied knowledge into clinical practice to help patients, and, working together, we can make sure that work continues.
I take pride in our future shaped by NUMSS (USA) leadership in the field of osteopathic manual practice – a future vested in the lives and careers of prospective students just like you. At the core of our mission is a commitment to constantly seek to improve what we do and strive to do our best. I look forward to continuing to promote our mission with you.


Dr Oleg Bagrin, MD, DOMP
Faculty of Applied Clinical Sciences
National University of Medical Sciences (USA)

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