Interested in Working in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom & Canada?

Interested in Working in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom & Canada?

An easy way to immigrate to these countries is to become a naprapath. As the profession of naprapathy is not regulated in these countries, you can easily find employment there and get a job offer if you are a doctor of naprapathy (DN).
As there are just a handful of naprapaths in these countries you can easily build a successful practice there as a connective tissue specialist working in an osteopathy, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, massage therapy, medical or sports medicine clinic.
Once you obtain your permanent residency then you can open your own private naprapathy clinic. You are guaranteed success as almost everywhere you open a clinic you will receive tons of referrals as there are barely any connective tissue specialists anywhere.
In Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec and all other Canadian provinces the profession of naprapathy is covered by most extended health plans as a type of naturotherapy.
National University of Medical Sciences – Spain (founded in 2012) offers an online DN program that is accepted by the American Naprapathic Association (founded in 1909) and Canadian Naprapathic Association (founded in 2017).
NUMSS (Spain) accredited in the United States & United Kingdom by the International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Our DN degree is approved in the United States by the California University Foreign Credential Evaluation. NUMSS (Spain) DN degree is also legalized by the Spain Ministry of Justice & Spain Ministry of External Affairs and endorsed/approved by the embassies of Canada, UK, Australia & New Zealand in Spain.